Car insurance is a necessary expense for drivers. Depending on your driving record as well as the type of coverage you have, the costs can be quite expensive. There are a number of steps that you can take to help you find the cheapest car insurance available. The internet has made looking for inexpensive auto insurance much easier than it was a few years ago, and allows customers to benefit more from competition between the different automobile insurance agencies.
There are a multitude of online sites that will give you instant rate quotes to help you find the cheapest car insurance. Simply fill out some basic information about yourself, your driving record, and the other individuals that will be covered on the policy and the web site will return the cheapest car insurance rates that it can find. Of course, policy offerings are fluid, so it is best to verify these rates with the actual companies themselves before making a decision. Most people use these online rate quote tools as a way to narrow down their choices, and then will investigate the top two or three.
Regardless of what company you choose, you will have better rates if everyone on your insurance has a clean driving record. If you or a family member happens to get cited for a minor traffic violation, many jurisdictions will provide defensive driving courses as an alternate to having the offense go on your driving record, which can keep insurance rates low. If you have a teenage driver on your auto insurance policy, then look for policies that will offer discounts for taking driver's education courses and/or making good grades. Of course, since teenagers are statistically much likely to be in an accident than mature drivers, the costs will be higher no matter what you do.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
How to Find the Cheapest Car Insurance
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
6:59 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Understanding Your Auto Insurance
You’ll appreciate Collision Coverage in the event you need repairs or replacements if your vehicle collides with another vehicle or property. The higher the deductible you elect, the lower your premiums will cost you. If you’re at fault for something, well of course it would still be an accident, as I doubt you’d plan to run into that guard rail, but how much would you be able to afford to pay out of pocket for repairs? $250? $500? $1,000? Just like medical insurance, you’d have to pay that deductible amount first and then the insurance company would pay for the remaining charges for the repair.
Another term to become intimately familiar with is Comprehensive Coverage. This is the coverage that pays for damage caused from falling objects, fire, certain natural disasters, theft and vandalism. Deductibles work the same way as with Collision; the more out of pocket costs to you, the less your insurance premium.
In addition to knowing how much Collision and Comprehensive coverage you have, you’ll want to know about your liability coverage. Let’s say you rear-end another driver. Or your foot slips off the brake onto the gas pedal and you plow down a mailbox. Your liability coverage will kick in and pay for the damages that you caused with your insured vehicle. You liability coverage will, or could, include bodily injury (people) and property damage.
You don’t want to go without Bodily Injury Coverage. If you were at fault in an accident and others involved needed to go to the hospital and/or lost wages from missing work, those costs would come out of your pocket if you are not insured with Bodily Injury Coverage. It doesn’t take a genius to know how quickly those amounts can add up. This type of coverage can also help you in the event the other party takes legal action against you. Many states require you to carry Bodily Injury Coverage.
The other part of liability includes Property Damage coverage. Can you imagine how much it might cost should you accidentally drive into the side of someone’s home? You wouldn’t want to be caught without property damage insurance should you need to pay for repairs to another vehicle, building or anything else you might hit. As with Bodily Injury coverage, Property Damage coverage also helps protect you in the event of a related lawsuit.
Every policy will have its limits and various degrees of coverage. It’s important that you understand the basics of what you are paying for and why it is necessary. No one plans for an accident, be prepared!
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
3:46 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Shopping for Health Insurance
The Premiums You Pay Each Month
There is a major cost associated with a medical insurance quote. It is the monthly cost, also called a premium. As an insurance customer, you pay this premium every month, even if you do not use the insurance. Your medical insurance quote should clearly show the premium cost.
Costs Associated With Each Claim
When you seek actual medical treatment, there are additional costs you might incur. You might be required to pay a fixed amount per doctor or hospital visit. This amount might also be a percentage of the total bill. These incidental costs vary based on the medical problem, your policy, whether the hospital or doctor are in your network, and many more. Be sure your medical insurance quote lists these costs clearly.
The Cost Of Your Deductible
With many medical insurance plans, benefits do not begin until you pay a certain amount first. This is called the deductible, because the insurance company deducts it from the amount for which they are willing to pay benefits. Plans with high deductibles often have lower premiums, and vice-versa. Ensure that the deductible is plainly shown on your medical insurance quote.
Extra Costs Out Of Your Pocket
The insurance may not cover the entire claim amount, even if the deductible has been paid. Patients are often responsible for paying a small percentage of the post-deductible expenses. This percentage can be 20 percent to 30 percent, depending on your policy. Make sure you understand these out of pocket costs on your medical insurance quote.
Getting Treatment Outside Your Network
Some insurance plans pay the most benefits when the patient visits doctors recommended by the plan. This list of doctors is called the network. Therefore you are advised to use only doctors inside the network. That is not always possible, however, if you are traveling outside your network area. In that case, be sure your medical insurance quote explicitly states any differences in network costs.
You can shop for medical insurance and stare at quotes until your eyes cross. It is a very important task, however, and can save you a great deal of money should a medical emergency strike. The best way to compare plans from different companies is to get a medical insurance quote from each one. Then compare the items listed above, as well as the other costs and details. Then you can select the best health insurance plan for your family and budget.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
7:02 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Term Life Insurance - Are Your Protecting Your Family?
The purpose of life insurance is to guarantee an income to your spouse and children if you were no longer able to support them. This is the scenario you should think about; if something happened to you today would your family be able to live in their current home? Would they have enough money to maintain their current lifestyle? Would the cost of a funeral become a burden? Would the remaining spouse be able to support the family with little stress or would the combination of financial burden and loosing you cause unendurable hardship for them?
If you have saved and invested and prepared in other ways, you may feel certain that despite dealing with grief your family would have no financial concerns. But that is rare. Young families especially are at a disadvantage when debts are high, responsibilities for caring for children are costly, income may not have reached its full potential or one partner is no longer bringing in an income and in most cases savings are low. This is the scenario that requires a family to purchase term life insurance.
Why Should I Get Term Insurance? Term life insurance is the most inexpensive form of life insurance. It is priced based on your age and health and is usually purchased in terms of several years – 1, 5, 10, 20 or anything in between. This form of insurance will provide the highest coverage for the lowest premiums.
While term insurance is not ideal for older individuals since the price goes up substantially with age, it is the perfect solution for younger couples or families who have high debts including mortgages, life expenses and dependants. The insurance can cover you while your children grow and the mortgage is paid off. When the policy expires you should have invested, paid down your debts and no longer have dependants.
Who Needs to be Covered? Since insurance is actually income protection – providing money if you cannot – you need only cover the individuals who contribute to the family financially. First and foremost the MAIN income earner needs coverage. If the main income disappeared it would be crucial for the insurance to cover the needs of the family.
Second, if any secondary income is relied on to cover expenses that person should also have an insurance policy. This includes the main caregiver if that person is a parent or unpaid family member. Why? Even if they don’t contribute an income, if they were not caring for the children you would have to pay someone else to do it. Insurance would cover that additional cost.
Third, only if you cannot afford funeral expenses (generally about $5000) should you take out an insurance policy on your children. There is no reason for children to otherwise be insured as they do not contribute to the family income.
Now You Know… If you haven’t taken the time to understand the purpose of term insurance, now you can decide if it is in the best interest of your family in a time of need.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
7:23 PM
How to Find Quality Information about Insurance Online
Many people are baffled by the intricacies of the insurance business. Questions such as "How do I look for health insurance", or "Is there such thing as pet insurance? How do I get it?", and similar questions are commonly asked by people who are thinking about purchasing insurance. There are a number of websites that exist for the sole purpose of educating consumers. Some of these websites are maintained by insurance companies, while others are run by public interest groups, consumer advocacy groups, or private citizens. There sites typically feature a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that provides a centralized place to find answers to some of the most commonly asked insurance questions. There is a pretty good chance that your question has been asked before so always check the FAQ section first.
If the FAQ does not have the information you need, many insurance education web sites have a message board that allows you to post questions. Forum moderators or other users of the forum will respond to the message to provide the answer. These forums are a great way to get answers to more obscure questions.
Finding out about insurance online is as easy as firing up your favorite browser, going to a search engine, and entering some keywords that highlight your question. Often, the top search results will take you to a site that has exactly the information you need.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
12:01 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Tips for Finding the Best Insurance Rate
Perhaps the best way to go about finding the best insurance rate is to use an online rate comparison tool. Some of these tools are offered by insurance companies and others by interested third parties and advocacy groups. These online rate comparison tools can be a great way for you to make a quick evaluation of the top two or three companies that you will want to consider. From there you can talk to representatives of the individual companies, look over their various plans, and determine which company can best meet your specific needs.
Another great way to go about finding the best insurance rate is to simply ask others. Most great relationships are found via word of mouth, and finding the best insurance rate is no different. Every company tells you that their rate is the most competitive and that their plans and support are perfect for your situation.
Finding the best insurance rates is an intimidating process, but does not have to be overly difficult. Be sure to use all of the resources around you, including friends and family members, online search tools, and independent agents.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
11:57 PM
5 Things You Must Know Before You Choose Your Health Insurance!
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
5:36 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
How to Find Affordable Health Insurance
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
6:20 PM
Should You Get Health Insurance For Your Dog?
Just like everything else today, Veterinary cost have skyrocketed. When you do not have insurance, you must pay for every visit whether they be routine or emergency. This can run into thousands of dollars so why not get some help?
Just like personal health insurance, health insurance for your dog has annual premiums and, of course a deductible. The premium price depends on the dog breed and type of policy, if you have more than one pet, you can usually get a discount. As with the premium, the deductibles vary. Typically it is around $100 a year.
There are many policies to choose from based on your dogs age, breed, lifestyle and pre-existing conditions. Theres a dog health plan to please almost everyone. Some plans cover most everything from annual checkups to vaccinations, spaying, neutering and any medications as well as ay sickness and, of course accidents. These policies, of course will be the most costly. But if you can handle the yearly costs of a well dog just fine and want something just in case your dog becomes injured or sick, you can get a policy that will cover just these occasions.
Getting a new health insurance policy for your dog is similar to getting one for yourself - emergency coverage begins as soon as you sign up with your first payment and there is a 30 day waiting period for illness and other routine claims. When considering health insurance for your dog, be aware that his age will affect the coverage. Most policies cover the dog starting at 6 weeks of age. On the other end, you may not be able to get coverage for your dog if he is more than 8 years old. Once your dog is covered, however, he will be able to retain coverage past 8 years of age.
Getting health insurance for your dog should be a serious consideration for any pet owner. Think of it as the normal expense for having your pet. It's well worth it and it really set your mind at east to know that should your dog need expensive medical treatment to save his life - you'll be covered.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
12:12 AM
Car Insurance Costs Killing You?
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
12:09 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Small Business Insurance
A business owner's policy is the most basic type of insurance required by small businesses. A business owner's policy is a class of small business insurance that protects the small business property from damage caused by fire, theft, and other similar disasters. Business owner's policies also cover some forms of liability if someone is hurt on the small business property.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
6:58 PM
Finding the Best Auto Insurance Rate using Online Tools
There are also a number of online tools that are not affiliated with individual insurance companies that can also provide online auto insurance rate quotes. The online site features a short questionnaire that asks for details such as the number of drivers to be covered, where you live, questions about current coverage, and other important questions to create a list of quotes from various auto insurance companies.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
6:56 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
Life Insurance -What you need to Know
Perhaps the most commonly offered life insurance policy is called term life insurance. Term life insurance is a life insurance policy that is good for only a set amount of time, typically one year. This is the kind of life insurance that is typically offered by employers. Term life insurance is good for those who are relatively young and in good health. One issue with term life insurance is that the policy holder must re-qualify yearly and if their health takes a downturn during the term, they may not be able to qualify for continued coverage the next term period.
The alternate to term life insurance is permanent life insurance. This is life insurance that is applicable not for a term, but for your entire life. Clearly, since a payout is almost guaranteed on a life term policy, the rates are going to be quite a bit higher than term life insurance, and the policy terms are very inflexible. If you choose a permanent life insurance policy, it is vitally important to evaluate all plans and choose the very best one. Unless you happen to be an insurance expert, it is a good idea to hire a professional and independent insurance agent to help you wade through all of the available permanent life insurance policies.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
11:19 PM
Purchasing AAA Insurance
AAA insurance also offers homeowner policies that are very competitive when compared to other home insurance offerings. In addition to standard home coverage, AAA insurance for homes also protects peripherals such as sheds and pools and also provides a level of personal property protection.
AAA insurance features long and short term health insurance policies for those who do not receive coverage through a corporate plan. AAA health insurance, like the other AAA insurance policies, offers a full range of plans and has deductibles and premiums that are extremely competitive.
The AAA is much more than just an automotive club. With its full suite of AAA insurance offerings, the AAA can keep you protected both on the road and at home.
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
11:15 PM
How Long Will You Live ??????????
Posted by
Gauri Manikandan
10:48 PM