A quote is a binding agreement from an insurance company that states that they will provide a given policy to you for the rate stated on the quote. You should never have to pay to receive an insurance quote. A company that does not offer free insurance quotes is automatically suspect, and you should consider looking elsewhere for coverage.
The old fashioned way to obtain free insurance quotes was to set up a block of time with a local insurance agent and then meet with them in person. The agent will ask you a number of questions to assess your current needs and situation. At the end of the process, the agent will provide a quote, typically packaged along side a sales pitch. This is still a valid way to obtain free insurance quotes, but involves a great deal of work, particularly if you want to shop around.
Of course, there is no need to hoof it all over town to find free insurance quotes anymore. All major insurance providers have websites that feature automated rate quote tools. All you have to do is fill out some information regarding your situation and needs, and the web page will return free insurance quotes within a few seconds. It is possible to comparison shop by visiting the web sites of several insurance agencies and obtaining free insurance quotes.
Some web sites will provide free insurance quotes that cover multiple agencies in a single query. Some of these are provided by agencies that are themselves confident in their rate and thereby provide the rates of their competitors for free. Other free insurance quote tools are operated by their parties and advocacy groups. These can be great tools to help guide you in your search for the insurance policy that best meets your needs.
The old fashioned way to obtain free insurance quotes was to set up a block of time with a local insurance agent and then meet with them in person. The agent will ask you a number of questions to assess your current needs and situation. At the end of the process, the agent will provide a quote, typically packaged along side a sales pitch. This is still a valid way to obtain free insurance quotes, but involves a great deal of work, particularly if you want to shop around.
Of course, there is no need to hoof it all over town to find free insurance quotes anymore. All major insurance providers have websites that feature automated rate quote tools. All you have to do is fill out some information regarding your situation and needs, and the web page will return free insurance quotes within a few seconds. It is possible to comparison shop by visiting the web sites of several insurance agencies and obtaining free insurance quotes.
Some web sites will provide free insurance quotes that cover multiple agencies in a single query. Some of these are provided by agencies that are themselves confident in their rate and thereby provide the rates of their competitors for free. Other free insurance quote tools are operated by their parties and advocacy groups. These can be great tools to help guide you in your search for the insurance policy that best meets your needs.
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